About Andrew S. Huey

After graduating with a BS in Computer Science, Andrew S. Huey pursued a Master's in Acupuncture from the Swedish Institute of NYC. He developed his craft of Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) under two mentors: Daoist Priest and world-renowned Scholar, Jeffery Yuen, and Andrew's God-Father, Dr. Harijot Singh Khalsa ND, LA.c, who was a holistic health innovator, and the founder of "Shen Therapy". Andrew studied under both men for almost a decade learning how to create individualized treatment protocols, the mastery of pulse taking, herbal medicine, Eastern nutrition, spiritual releases, emotional healing, and more. With such knowledge gained over the years, Andrew combined everything he learned to create his own modality of "Intrinsic Healing".
Through intrinsic healing, Andrew utilizes his intuitive gifts that were enhanced by his mentors to help treat patients. From his maternal side, Andrew came from a lineage of Chinese clairvoyants and he uses this gift to create his own protocols and treatments (click here to see examples of some protocols used). He is especially skilled in pulse-taking (a diagnostic tool in Chinese medicine) where he uses his intuition and diagnostic skills to read and learn more about his patients. Not only can Andrew understand their energetic and physiological imbalances/patterns, but he can also understand their emotions, fears, spiritual attachments (if any), and gifts.
In 1996, Andrew's father and Jeffery Yuen founded "Ambrosia Tea" in Tribeca, NY, which in 2006 became known as the "Chinatown Wellness Center". Andrew worked as an acupuncturist at the center from 2005 - 2012 and eventually went on to start his own practice known today as "Eternal Lillie". The name "Eternal Lillie" is dedicated in memory of his late mother Lillie, who transitioned in 2016. Spiritually the lily flower also represents rebirth and hope, which represents her continuous and eternal love. Since love is the greatest healer of all, it serves as the foundation of "Eternal Lillie" and Andrew's craft.
During his years in private practice, Andrew also served as a clinical supervisor at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine from 2012 -2023 where he was well-known for his unique treatments and ability to intuitively read pulses. Over the years Andrew has effectively treated a number of disorders including psychosomatic disorders, Tourette syndrome, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, dystonia, and more.
Andrew is an herbalist and Licensed and Board-Certified Acupuncturist who is currently practicing in Tribeca, New York. If you are interested in booking an appointment with him please click here to book an initial or follow-up appointment.
Learn more about Andrew's God-Father (Dr. Harijot Singh Khalsa ND, LA.c):